Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Shabanu Anticipation Guide Prompts

1) It is possible to experience love at first sight.
Agree/disagree: Even though someone can look at someone and say, “It was love at first site.” It was probably because of the way she/he looked and how that person saw that other person through their eyes. If they were to talk to each other, they might have found out that they really weren’t for each other or that they had nothing in common and the ‘love at first site’ was really nothing real and serious. And I think for somebody to say they love someone, they have to really know that person and not just from what they first saw.

Two complete strangers stuck on a deserted island could learn to love one another (and yes, stay with one another after being rescued).
Agree/disagree: I think that over time, if two complete strangers were stuck on an island, they would learn things about each other from spending that amount of time having to survive and depend on one another to be able to survive. I think if you were stuck on an island with a stranger you would learn much more and treasure much more than being stuck with a stranger in a restaurant for the same amount of time. I also think it depends on what you go through on that island that will determine if you stay together when you are rescued. So I would disagree because I don’t think it would be love, I think it would be more of a ‘stick together to survive’ relationship.

It is a good thing to sacrifice your happiness for the desires of others.
Disagree: It is natural for someone to want to be happy but sacrificing your happiness to fulfill the desires of others is wrong in my opinion. I think someone who wants you or leads you to sacrifice your happiness to make them happy thinks that you and your feelings aren’t as important as them and how they are feeling. If it makes you unhappy making someone else happy I think, unless you get something goo out of it, you should think about what you’re doing before you go and do it. For example, I saw a movie the other day called “Little Miss Sunshine” and in one scene the teenage boy was asked to go on a road trip to California for his sister’s beauty pageant and there was no way he was going to go. His mother then kind of bribed him and said, “Well, if you go then I will let you go to pilot school.” So the boy decided even though he’s not going to have any fun at all, he’ll go and when it’s done, he’ll be happy because he’d be able to do what he wants and what makes him happy. I think that is one scenario where it’s okay to sacrifice your happiness for the desires of others.

Women in your society are free citizens.
Agree: Women in my society are free because it is a democratic society. Women can vote like men, they can do the same jobs as men, they are paid the same except for maybe a few pluses and minuses. However, I do believe that it is a male dominated society. Living with 3 brothers myself, I can see how they think of women and what women are capable of doing compared to men. I would not be able to play the Xbox because I was a girl and to them, girls don’t play the Xbox because it is what guys do. I’m not saying that’s what guys in my society say or think because it’s me and my brothers but it’s an example of some things girls aren’t allowed to do because they are girls.

The Outcome of Angry

FACT: That is an Alligator that eats that mans head.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Outsiders: Movie or Book?

I like the movie in many ways, but I also have to say I enjoyed the movie as well.
I do prefer the book because it gives us more information about Sodapop and Darry’s relationship with Ponyboy and Dallas’ relationship with Johnny. I also liked how it gives us a better ending and keeps us interested to the very end. I think the ending of the book is better because it shows what happened after all the trouble with Johnny and Dallas. It tells the readers that even though this is all over, Ponyboy might not ever be the same with all the horrible things that have happened and that kick to his head. It also makes us want to read more and when the book ends, it’s like, “But, I want to know what happened with Ponyboy!” I think the book is very well written and explains and shows so much more than what is read. What I mean by that is, the words have so much meaning and it gives the readers a visual of what is going on in the story even though it is all written down in words.

The movie was good because I could see all the characters and places. I liked how the director chose to change certain things in the movie or add things to make the movie make sense. An example of this is when Ponyboy and Johnny are at the movie with Cherry and Marcia and Tim Sheppard comes to the boys and asked where Dallas is because he slashed his tires. This didn’t happen in the book because it already explains earlier that Dallas did that, but in the movie chose not too so they added that character into that scene to give us an understanding of Tim and Dallas’ relationship. I didn’t like, however, how much that was taken out of the movie.
I enjoyed the rumble more in the movie because it wasn’t in a first person view of Ponyboy, we saw the whole bunch of boys fighting and could make out who’s winning and how a rumble would look like.

Overall, I think I like the book much better because it’s so much more detailed and the imagery is so great without even needing pictures