Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Episode – TLC’s Miami Ink Tattoo Talk
Date – December 20, 2006
Time – 7:23 / 11:47
Website – ITunes

Description of Episode:
"Welcome to the Miami Ink's Tattoo Talk, brought to you by TLC."
The artists from TLC's Miami Ink share stories of how they got started.

"We would like the Welcome Charlie Corwin to the program, he is executive producer and creator of Miami Ink on TLC. Charlie is with original media, Charlie thanks for being here"
Meet the creator of the hit TLC show Miami Ink: Charlie Corwin.

why I Picked This Podcast?
I watch Miami Ink on TV and after a few days of watching it, I came to think that the show was really good and I have always wanted to hear more about how the show started and why. The show is very inspiring and shows amazing art by amazing artists. I find it very interesting to listen to why people are getting Tattoos and sometimes they are inspirational or very sad or just plain unique and funny. The artists are amazing people and are fun to watch and listen to what they have to say.

Ami starts of by saying a lot about what tattoos mean to him and that a lot of his family members were tattoo artists. Later on he explains the tattoos he has and which one means most to him.
Chris Garver talks about one time when a band came into their shop to all get tattoos and how it was a bonding experience for the band and as well as the artists. He also confesses what he wouldn’t get tattooed. Chris states, “I think it’s easier to become a tattoo artist these days, but it’s not easy to become a good one.”

In the second part of the podcast TLC interviews the creation of the show Miami Ink. He talked about how it all began and what he did to get the show started. He also described what he looked for in tattoo shops while he searched for the right tattoo shop for his show. The making of the show brought on great relationships with the tattoo artists that will last for a lifetime and after the show became a hit, most of the tattoo shops that turned down his offer to make a show about them called realized they messed up turning him down.

All in all, I really enjoyed listening to this podcast and recommend anyone who is interested in tattoos to listen to it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

PP NEWS (plant & planet)

On Sunday 12, 2009 a frozen man sitting on a bench was found. Sandy Alberts was first to discover the unidentified body, "His frozen postition looked like as if he was afraid before he froze and i first thought maybe someone was pulling a prank but when i came closer i could see behind the snow a man's face and then i realized this was something big" she claims. At 7:37 AM she called the police and they were on the scene within 15 minutes.
Police are still uncovering the body and the cause of the freeze. Roger Berad, a police officer, states "It's very rare that this could happen during this time of year. I understand that it's very cold but not cold enough to freeze ones body. So far, all we have to tell the public is that the man was either sitting there for a very long time without moving or he was killed to begin with and someone covered him in snow which then froze to his body form." There will be more about the story as we recieve more information.